Real Name: Nguyễn Đình Mạnh.
Your Nickname: Mr.Lz.
With Clan Tag: =EAt=Mr.Lz^.
Previous Nickname(s): =VF=Nhat111.
Age: 23
Nationality: Vietnam
Please introduce yourself in 2-3 lines: I am optical, in Vietnam I am a businessman there I play VCMP in the evening in the country I am sure this is the morning I play from 2018 I am not very good at shooting but I am very honest I betray clan now that I don't study anymore, I joined this clan to learn about clan EA members.
Average ping (Your Ping For Example): 134.
Your Favorite Weapons: cost stu ing m4 m60 remote.
Your Favorite Servers: Vks , EC Lantino American , OSK.
Previous Clans You've been in and why you left them: VF : I left the clan because the clan owner used a type of hack and the clan did not work, I did not know.
Why You want To Join EA: Well, seriously, I want to be part of EA since I joined VF. I joined VF because of my best friend but when I left it so I thought that sometimes I needed to improve my loyalty, my behavior + skills. I have a good sense of playing in the game, with great skills that I want to contribute to the guild. In addition, I will be loyal and honest with my family and respect all my guild members. Finally, I will always try to solve problems, come and be with my team, regardless of the situation. Hope for a good response. :-). Thank you.

Last edited by Mr.Lz (2019-01-17 23:59:00)